Could painful root canal become a thing of the past?
Technological evolution in root canal treatment is bringing hope to nervous patients, as dentists are now increasingly able to perform more effective and less painful procedures.
While many root canal operations are simple and cause minimal discomfort, a few can be unpleasant, especially when there is inflammation and local anaesthetic is restricted in efficacy. If the initial treatment is unsuccessful, dentists might apply more drastic measures, such as an apicoectomy or even tooth extraction as a last resort.
Since the 1990s, new innovations in technology have significantly improved root canal treatment. These include the use of microscopes and switching from stainless steel to nickel titanium instruments, enabling better precision.
Now, a new wave of technological advances has the potential to further improve root canal surgery, such as the GentleWave procedure. This works by creating a pressure vacuum to remove debris from inside the tooth, and thus reducing the chances of a fracture.
Dentists carry out root canal operations to address tooth decay inside the tooth where the pulp is located – an oral network of nerves, tissues and blood vessels that carry nutrients.
Problems arise when untreated cavities or cracks expose teeth to bacterial infections or nasty abscesses. With root canal treatment, dentists widen the canals within the tooth to enable them to remove damaged pulp tissue and bacteria before resealing it.
If you are based locally and require root canal treatment in Chester, contact the advanced care team at Art of Dental Care today to set up an appointment.