The impact of the UK diet on teeth

The impact of the UK diet on teeth

A good diet is widely agreed to be vital for oral and general health. This guide offers some tips on how to keep teeth and gums healthier by avoiding damaging food and drink choices.

Surveys routinely find that the UK population eats too many ‘free sugars’. These are typically defined as monosaccharides and disaccharides, which are added to foods and drinks, while other sugars can be found in syrup, smoothies, honey and fruit juices. These are a major cause of dental cavities in both adults and children, as well as a contributor to tooth wear.

The frequency of sugar intake is a major factor in dental caries and the demineralisation of tooth surfaces, which takes place each time sugar is ingested. Mouth pH determines how acidic water is, but when it drops below an average 7 on the scale, oral bacteria converts sugar into acid until saliva restores pH to normal levels. Research has shown that higher sugar and ‘free sugar’ consumption in children is strongly associated with a greater risk of caries.

In order to prevent tooth decay, dentists recommend that you reduce both the amount and frequency of sugary foods and drinks, particularly at bedtime when saliva flow is reduced. Patients are encouraged to eat healthy, balanced diets, restricting any acidic food and drinks to mealtimes.

If you are Cheshire based and concerned about your dietary intake, require dentures or root canal treatment in Chester, contact dental specialists Art of Dental Care today to set up an appointment.
